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Client Coaching Agreement

Terms & Conditions

Client Coaching Agreement


This coaching agreement summarises the arrangement between us and specifies the terms of our coaching journey.




As your coach, I want to help you grow, change, develop, and achieve your business and life goals. While I will challenge you to live out your values and reach your potential, our relationship starts with your agenda, values, and initiative and only covers your present and future, not the past. You are responsible for your life, and you will make choices about what actions to take and what we work on together. I am excited about partnering with you on this journey.


Coach Credentials 


I comply with the professional guidelines and ethics of the EMCC, ICF and AC, the signatories of the Global Code of Ethics - for Coaches, Mentors and Supervisors. (Anon, n.d.) I confirm that I am appropriately qualified and insured for coaching. 


Coaching Approach


My coaching approach is informed by my academic studies and training at the University of Cambridge. I draw on relevant mindfulness-informed theories, tools, and techniques. You (the coachee) are the epicentre of each session, and "here and now" style coaching is very much tailored to you as an individual within your specific contexts. Furthermore, coaching comes in various styles, each with its aim and method. While the goals of different coaching styles are similar and consistent, they also intersect beyond genres and theoretical traditional approaches, resulting in a fascinating web of impact and distinct coaching responsibilities. Executive and leadership coaching and life coaching are linked to The Gestalt, a solution-focused, person-centred style approach to coaching seasoned with narrative and existential coaching under the niche of "Adventure Coaching."


Growth Goals


As your coach, I will provide support, accountability, perspective, and resources for your change goals. We will create a growth plan including regular action steps which you are committed to carry out. Since much of our interaction will centre around these assignments, I may choose to cancel or reschedule our appointment if you have not followed through.




Sessions can be booked individually or in a package. Our agreement will consist of sessions of "x" time at dates and times to be mutually agreed upon. The remuneration for these sessions is "£ xxx. xx", and payment is to be made in advance of the first session. In addition, once the coaching engagement has been completed, a client testimonial

from you acknowledged in any way you feel is best, plus a reference in the future should I need one. 


We are committed to working together for "x" sessions and can re-contract if more sessions are required after this term, which will be under the same terms, subject to mutual agreement.




The dates and times of our sessions will be mutually agreed upon. We agree to be diligent and to be punctual for our meetings so that we can make the most of our time together. We will do our best not to cancel or reschedule out of respect for each other's schedules, but if we do have to reschedule, we will give each other a minimum of 24/hours' notice. If you are late for a phone appointment, I will call you once, five minutes after the scheduled time of the call. Any changes to our scheduled calls must be made via telephone and confirmed by e-mail to  at least 24/hours in advance. If you completely miss a scheduled appointment with no notice, that will be counted as one of your sessions. If you miss an appointment, it is your responsibility to contact me and reschedule rather than have me call you.


Session Procedure


Our appointments will be by phone, Zoom, Teams, or any other digital meeting platform or face-to-face as agreed. If using the telephone or any other digital platform, please find a quiet place where you won't be distracted and avoid talking in the car, in public places, etc. You will contact me on the day and time scheduled.




The services I provide are coaching or tele-coaching as designed jointly with you. Coaching, which is not any type of therapy or psychological counselling, may address specific personal issues that you bring up. Other coaching services include values clarification, education, brainstorming, identifying plans of action, examining modes of operating in life, asking clarifying questions, and making empowering requests.




This agreement may be extended following the initial programme with our agreement. Should we determine that insufficient progress or cooperation exists after any of the sessions, either party may cancel this agreement without recourse and obtain a refund for the number of full sessions unused at that date (if applicable).


It usually works best for both of us to bring closure to the relationship, so if you would like to terminate your coaching programme before the "x" sessions, let us discuss the situation. If there is a misunderstanding, let us be open and honest and communicate our concerns. If we can not resolve the issue or if it is just time to move on, we will leave with best wishes for each other as we go and refund the number of total sessions unused at that date (if applicable).




I recognise that certain information in a confidential manner may be relayed during either regular or coach-on-call sessions. I will not, at any time, either directly or indirectly, use this information for my benefit nor disclose said information to anyone else without your specific approval (excluding disclosure of illegal or unethical activities). Throughout our working relationship, we will engage in direct and personal conversations. You can count on me to be honest and straightforward in asking questions and making requests. 


Coaching results cannot be guaranteed, and you are entering this agreement into coaching with the understanding that you are responsible for your own results. You agree to hold me free of all liability and responsibility for any actions or results from adverse situations created because of specific advice given by me.


Professional Conduct


As a qualified and professionally trained coach, I abide by The Global Code of Ethics for Coaches, Mentors, and Supervisors. I am also regularly supervised by a professional who also abides by this code and engages in Continuous Professional Development (CPD).  


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